Toy Stories


“To this day, I have the most fond memories of some of my old toys.”

—Michael Keaton

In a world of make-believe exists an industry which, while it is quite obvious it’s there, I was still excitingly surprised to discover it—Toy Photography! It is SO amazing the stories these talented people can tell and share by a simple click of a button. I am having a hard time expressing my amazement—I feel like I’ve stumbled upon something I didn’t know I was looking for!

And of course, my curiosity was piqued, and so I went on a scavenging hunt to try and get my hands on as many toys as I could find. As you all know from my Weeping Angels post, I am an avid Doctor Who fan. After learning that a friend of mine had these two very cool and quite posable figures of the 10th and 11th Doctors, I was able to convince her to let me borrow them.

And it’s now story time!


Here we find both Matt and David being dumbfounded with this “Dalek-looking” robot that can only seem to speak in “beeps” and “boops”. Don’t mind M-0, he’s just making sure everything stays clean, and Deadpool… well he’s just popping up all over these days!


Into the Deadpool-verse? Or did The Doctor stumble upon Deadpiliput and all the little Deadpiliputians are just curious about this “giant”?


Whoa! I have a pair of those too! Ha! Good ol’ Gremlians, they sure have good taste in eyewear!


I have something you want. You may think you have some idea of what I’m in possession of, but you do not. He means more to me than you will ever know. My Precious…


After playing with The Doctor for a few hours, Donkey was getting impatient and hungry. Unfortunately I forgot the bananas at home, and all I had brought was some chips… Well I guess hunger got the best of him!


Apparently Donkey wasn’t the only one getting impatient, everyone else too and they got rowdy! Deku = 1  Ryu = 0


And so after a whole afternoon of fun and excitement, the night came to an end and I had to pack up my stuff. I have to be honest, this has ignited a spark in me. I will definitely be keeping my eye out for more toys as I’m out and about, all the while thinking of more Toy Stories to tell.

Do any of you still have toys around that you treasure? You ever catch yourself wanting to play with them? If I were you, I would so do it! And when you do, I’d love to hear about it!

This was a lot of fun building, setting up, and yes, I did play with them as we were setting them up, LOL! As always, I really appreciate your time and hope you enjoyed exploring this new old world of Toy Photography as much as I did. Oh, and if you would like to see some behind the scenes shots and clips, make sure you go to my Instagram page. I’ll be posting some of those there. See you in two weeks!

One last thing, if you haven’t already, make sure you don’t miss any new posts by signing up below. Take care of yourselves and see you back here in two weeks!

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